Teacher Grants

SAEF Educator Mini-Grants Program Opportunities for 2022-2023 School Year

The Springfield Area Educational Foundation (SAEF) funds many types of projects that are consistent with our mission to enhance the quality of public education by engaging the support and energies of our educators, parents, students, alumni and the Springfield and Morton community.

One way SAEF funds projects is through grants to our teachers.  A typical grant award is under $2000.00 for a single year offering.  On occasion, the foundation will approve larger grants for special initiatives.

SAEF’s funding programs and accomplishments reach all age groups and academic levels –

Projects include: Athletic Stadium Lighting, SAILL Cougar Café, FBLA Program, SAILL Bocce Ball Uniforms, ETR Literacy Program, ETR Grand Piano, Outdoor Baseball Field, Band Uniforms, Homework Clubs, Student Field Trips, Women’s Field Hockey Uniforms and more .

Application process:

The SAEF Grants Committee accepts applications once (twice) a year for consideration.  The SAEF Application Guides and Grant application can be reviewed /submitted below.

Important Dates for 2022-2023:

Grant Application Deadline – March 31, 2023

Grant Application Notification Date – May, 2023